Pastor Jonathan Payne
Senior Pastor
Pastor Jonathan is a modern day visionary and a dynamic man of God. He is very skilled in business management and administration, as well as being an anointed leader and gifted speaker.
All of these skills together have enabled him to spearhead the purchasing and development of a further 2 ½ acres of land on behalf of the church fellowship.
From the acquisition of land to the establishment of the highly successful Happy Days Community Childcare Centre, Pastor Jonathan has followed the vision God has shown him for Ballymoney Church of God.
Born in Newtownards in 1960 to Doris and Russ Payne, he was the third son in a family of four and had a happy childhood. He attended Regent House Grammar School and he regularly attended the local Methodist Church playing an active part in the Youth Fellowship.
It was actually in the Methodist Church at the age of eighteen that Pastor Jonathan gave his life to the Lord.
In his early twenties, after moving to the Coleraine area, he was voted on to the local church board as a congregational representative of Coleraine Methodist Church where he was also appointed as a youth leader.
He spent thirteen years working in a travel agency before setting up his own very successful Hallmark Card Shop and Tea Shop businesses.
Although at this time his wife Yvonne was chronically ill, God prospered and blessed him.
He was elected President of Ballymoney Chamber of Commerce for a term of four and a half years and still to this day keeps a keen interest in the Business affairs of Ballymoney Town Centre.
Life began to change for him as restoration and healing came to Jonathan’s home and the Lord moved by the power of His Holy Spirit on his life. With much prayer and deep conviction he took a giant leap of faith selling his businesses and stepping into a brand new season for both himself and Yvonne.

Pastor Jonathan to this day will tell you that he has never looked back or regretted his decision even though his days are often busy and hectic!
No longer can he just turn the key in a shop door and go home to relax, as Pastoral care is a 24/7, lifelong calling of which he thoroughly enjoys.
Pastor Jonathan is an eloquent preacher and with his business background is also a tremendous asset to the day to day running of a large church. He has a zeal and a talent for management and is a brilliant organiser and motivator of people.
When he ‘pictures’ Ballymoney Church of God he sees a vibrant, successful, Spirit-filled place where people are drawn because of the presence of God.
His love for The Lord and the congregation are evident in all he says and does and his greatest ambition in life is to no longer be the best businessman, but to be the best Pastor he can be for God’s Glory.
He firmly believes that there are great days in store for Ballymoney Church of God as both Pastors and People continue to build something eternal for God’s Kingdom.
“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who build it.”
Psalms 127:1